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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

ChangeYour Language

Once I asked God to open my ears so that I could hear myself when I speak. We constantly talk but rarely are we actually listening to the language coming out of our mouths. At times we pray and believe for one thing while speaking the complete opposite of our very own prayer. I've learned that my words must be in agreement with my beliefs, they can not contradict. Has your language been used to build up or tear down your life? This is something I am constantly working on and when I hear myself speaking language that I don't want to actualize in my life I am quick to change my words. Asking God to forgive me for saying things I don't want to experience and then speaking the truth of what I want to see. Biblical principle reminds us in [Daniel 10:12-13

"Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.] God is always listening to what we're saying, how often do we speak carelessly as if we won't give an account in this life for our language? Take a look over your life and see where things have turned out good and bad just as you've spoken. I can pin point examples in my life that are my spoken words. Seeing the very things I once said makes me more guarded in my speech. When we speak the language of God we speak life. At times we must say it even when it's difficult to see or belief. Those are the very words that will bring us through and help sustain us through the difficult times. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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06 dic 2023

Thank you for that message. Words indeed are powerful. The tongue is one of the most important of all body parts. It controls our actions. Life and death is controlled by the power of the tongue. It brings action to words which we spaek. Positive or negative thoughts are affected by what we speak.


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