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Be Still

Do we ever stop? Pause. Catch our breath. Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow. Many times we find ourselves rushing through life. From the moment our eyes open, it's as if the speed clock is on. And we're constantly on the go, rushing through our day.

I am learning to slow down and find life quite enjoyable in the unhurried lane. It's life rediscovered! We can enjoy ourselves more when we are no longer trying to fulfill every obligation. Slowing down allocates time for self without guilt or explanation. It opens us up to the free and creative sides of our personalities. While recognizing all we have to be thankful for. I hope you've slowly read today's post and allow the words to seep deeply into your hearts and minds. Enjoy living, take in all that your wonderful life has to teach you. The bad & the good. Slow down. Breath and be still.

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Jul 26, 2022

Agreed. We all need to slow our pace daily.

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