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Be Open to Financial Correction

Do you find it difficult to accept correction? If I am being honest with myself, I must admit yes I do. But it can redirect our lives and save us from making painful mistakes. With that being said, let's apply this principle to our financial lives.

For years I was making the wrong choices financially simply because I didn't know. And honestly had no one around me with sound financial advice to guide me. But when I became aware of my mistakes I allowed my mind and heart to remain open to correction. Too often we are defensive instead of taking in the information and applying it we tend to get stuck in old patterns of behavior. New results require a new way of doing things, change can be hard but we must begin looking at the long term results. If you are fortunate to gain good financial counsel the next step is to apply that knowledge and reap the benefits. Being open to correction in our financial lives allows us to mend the errors we've made while carving out a new path to economical recovery and freedom. We are unstuck and we are free.

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