The topic of honesty has been talked about in a previous post, but I felt the need to share my thoughts on this once more. I listened to a short video clip of a pastor speaking about the affairs of the world today, he made a point about those in power.
Regardless of who they are, no one is listening, and he feels they would sell anyone out to maintain their position of authority. It made me think how some people have lost their sense of honesty and have no problem telling lies. Have you ever met a liar? I have and the confidence they have in their lies is so telling. For some it's common practice to deceive. I think dishonesty and a lack of trust has been in our faces so much that many have lost the belief honesty still exists. I am optimistic that honesty is still at the core of most, those who hold dare their values. At some point we all have been or will be tempted to partake in dishonest behavior. The question I think we must ask ourselves is this, is it worth my integrity? Will I be able to look at myself with respect and will others continue to respect me? Often those who live dishonestly appear to be doing well. I'm sure each person reading this post knows of someone who bends the truth and seemingly avoid consequences. Despite that, I want to encourage you, good still exists. The stories we are bombarded with makes it appear that everyone has gone crazy, but that isn't true. Remain encouraged and remain honest. First to yourself and secondly to others.