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Barriers to Happiness

What's stopping you from being happy? Or should I ask, what are you allowing to stop your happiness? I have come to realize that life isn't always fair or easy. Each person has their own set of challenges they must face, understanding this has helped me tremendously. It's removed the " poor me" mindset, and is a friendly reminder that life is happening to us all. The challenge becomes holding on to our joy and not allowing things or people to become a hindrance to our happiness. There are many things that can block ones happiness. First on my list is a lack of gratitude. When we aren't thankful and appreciative of what we have often that leaves an emptiness within. I've learned from personal experience the power of being thankful. It truly opens your eyes to the goodness that surrounds you. From the smallest to the largest blessing, nothing is taken for granted when you live with a grateful heart.

The second hindrance to happiness that seems to be a big issue is comparison. With so many of us on social media sharing our lives, it's easy to think others are living a perfect life. That isn't true, life is perfectly imperfect for us all. And when we start to feel sorry for ourselves for what we don't have, we must remember there are people throughout this world who trade places with you & I on any given day. Being happy is a personal choice, thinking thoughts of joy is up to each individual. There is nothing or no one that can fill you with joy. It's an inside job, for some it's easy to do. And for others it's a challenge. I am responsible for my own happiness, and you are too. Start by finding one thing to be thankful for and hold onto that thought throughout your day. Each day add something else to your list, by the end of the week you should have seven reasons to be happy! Each night, end your day with a grateful heart and watch God open your eyes to see more reasons to give him thanks. I hope you are inspired to find happiness throughout this day and a real reason to smile. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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