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At Least Try

How often do we count ourselves out? Most of the time without making much effort to reach our goals or fulfill our dreams. Some of us allow fear to hold us back, so crippled by it that we can't move. Let me remind you of a passage of scripture, "God has not given us the spirit of fear. But of love, power, and a sound mind." He has given you all of the power within to accomplish anything you want. Personally, I have learned that moving in spite of being afraid makes me stronger. Accomplishing things no one ever thought I would do is an amazing feeling. You have the ability to do the same, I don't think people are necessarily successful because they all have some great ability no one else possesses. I believe they did something many fail to do; they gave it their best shot. It's too easy to paint ourselves as victims and find reasons why we can't succeed. Make a decision to not go down without a fight! Go after those things that have been placed within your heart and give it your all. You will be amazed by what's waiting to come out of you. At least try and never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free.

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