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We Are Wellness

Public·8 members

Today, remember to care for yourself first. While to some this may sound selfish it's actually neccessary. I can't care for anyone else when I myself am not well. How many people are unwell spiritually, mentally, or emotionally? We all deserve wholeness in every area of our lives. Sending wellness and love to you. We are unstuck, and we are free!

Q. Pea

So true. The Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. That would infer, then, that we must first love (and take care) of ourselves BEFORE we extend such to our neighbors. Great reminder!


My thought for today is this, don't talk yourself out of an opportunity God has given you. In this group I like to encourage our readers to live well. And this includes the way we see ourselves. Too often we are looking through the lenses of other people's opinions and not seeing ourselves through the eyes of God. When He opens doors for you don't be afraid and don't allow negative thoughts to become your reason for not pursuing those opportunities. Trust in Him knowing that He's there with you. Allow the talk in your head to be filled with words of appreciation and a deep sense of gratitude. God believes in you and that's really all that matters, stop doubting yourself and know that with Him there's nothing you can't do. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

Q. Pea

What state is your mind in? Today I choose to allow the peace that God offers to fill my heart and mind. Daily we are bombarded with many things and so often we allow them to become peace stealers. I no longer want to live in a state of anxiety, this not only affects our mental well-being but our physical health as well. The Bible teaches us to cast our cares on Jesus for He cares for us. Simply put, he's instructing you and I to give him our worries and anything else that may be coming against us. He gives the peace and guidance each of us need to overcome the challenges of life. In the midst of your busy day let me encourage you to stop trying to figure it out alone, ask God for his peace and invite him into your life. We are wellness and w…

Q. Pea

For those of you who may not know this post you are reading is specifically written for the group I created titled, we are wellness. It's a space where I share my thoughts on ways we can obtain and maintain a sense of well-being. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us. Today I want to talk about the benefits of having plants or flowers in your space. I love having life in my home, when I see certain plants thrive often it reminds me to keep going. The analogy I've often made is when a plant or a person is given what it needs it will survive and thrive. It's up to me to ensure I am feeding myself mentally and spiritually well to see growth and progress in my life. Just like our plants we must prune our lives of those things and people that hinder u…

Q. Pea

As I began my day the thought came to write about wellness through words. We are all aware of the power of our words but fail to make the connection between what we say and how it affects our well-being. If we had then we would be more aware of what we're saying about ourselves. It's not about living in denial it's more about understanding we're spiritual beings and our language is important. Today begin listening to the things you are saying about yourself. Last night as I reflected on a conversation I had with a friend I thought about a comment I'd made about myself. And found it very out of character for me, to on purpose, say things to put myself down. I pray that I see myself the way God sees me and in doing so I'm finding that I am more aware of my words. Especial…

Q. Pea

Have you ever had one of those days when your day was suppose to go one way but your body had other plans for you? Today's been one of those days for me and I chose to listen to what my body needed instead of fighting it. My to do list did not consist of me laying in bed in the middle of the afternoon. But, I will admit I am glad I went with the flow. Sometimes we feel guilty for taking a break and I'm learning that it's neccessary and important to know when it's time to stop. Just simply relax and appreciate the opportunity to do so. I vividly recall the days life was screaming at me to make a change. So now I listen to the whispers and have a clear understanding that being well begins within. On some days that is taking a nap, going…

Q. Pea

It's been a while since I've posted in this group. As life becomes more challenging for us all on a daily basis I think it's important that each of us focus on our mental well-being. Are you taking time to care for your mind today? Our minds can at times be all over the place if we don't keep our thoughts under control. For me, I find it helpful to be very aware of what I am listening to. I've made it a habit to listen to podcast or videos that uplift and encourage. I am well aware of all that's happening in our world without allowing it to consume my thoughts. I've found that I must be healthy in my mind first. As well as talking to God as I go through my day, my life. Acknowledging my frustrations and disappointments has been a very useful way for…

Q. Pea

Happiness plays a huge role in our wellness. So often we underestimate the power of a smile and the healing ability of a good laugh. Biblical principle reminds us that laughter is like medicine. Is your soul in need of healing? Find a reason to laugh, walk outside and feel the sunshine and say thank you with a big smile. Never forget, we are unstuck and we are free. Invite your friends to join our group and follow us on Instagram!


Question to myself, how are you doing today? So often we go through our day without checking in on ourselves. I can't help you if I'm not doing well. Do you ever stop and ask yourself if you're ok? Many times the honest answer is we're not as good as we pretend to be. Let's be real with ourselves and deal with our feelings so that we are truly ok. Take some time today and check in with how you are really doing. Asking for help is a sign of strength. Saying no is also a sign of strength, taking time to simply clear your mind can be life changing. We are unstuck, and we are free!

Q. Pea

I found this definition. Wellness is the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. To thrive, not just survive. Practice healthy habits on a daily basis, to obtain better physical & mental outcomes. This describes exactly how I feel and why I created this group. My top focus is on my mental & physical well-being as it has such a profound effect on all other areas of my life. And I hope we can grow together as we improve our wellness one step at a time.

Q. Pea


    Let's talk about wellness! In this group I hope to create a ...
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