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We Are Wellness

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In 2017 I stopped eating meat but continued to eat seafood. More recently I gave that up as well & decided to eat a vegetarian diet. I will admit I was a bit concerned about what meals would look like. But there's a lot of good info available and so many healthy, plant based recipes. Recently I had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. And ordered the lettuce wraps, you assemble them yourself. I was blown away by the presentation of the meal. As well as the beauty & vibrancy of the vegetables. I love avocado but this was the first time I had eaten them grilled. Oh wow, that was so good. When I decided to change the way I ate I did so with an open mind. And one of the biggest things I noticed was a boost in energy and the way I felt. It's funny thatโ€ฆ

Q. Pea

Amazing how much our body will thank us and be so much better in return when we take care of it from the inside out!

Me gusta

With eating a plant based diet there are often challenges for me finding a restaurant where there's a wide variety to choose from. I met a friend for dinner, beforehand I scoped out the menu. I ordered the seafood pasta but asked our server to make it vegetarian. I loved the red peppers and artichokes and I'm a pasta lover. I used to wonder what would I eat on a plant based diet, my eyes have been opened to all the healthy and non- healthy options available to me. Every once and a while I'll eat a dish that I know may be higher in fat than I would typically make at home. I could taste all the goodness in this and I enjoyed each bite! Enjoy life, eat well and don't forget to smile. We are unstuck, and we are free!

Q. Pea

Who am I kidding? I love to eat! But over the years and more recently these past few months I have been more aware of what I am eating. And the benefits the right foods gives my body. I'm sure at some point I used to think eating healthy was more expensive. But I've found that isn't the case for me. And for the items that may run a little more money is worth it. The way the right foods make me feel is priceless. I eat within my budget so that I can live a healthier life. Removing any excuses I gave myself. Today for lunch I had a salad. With mix greens, raw almonds, avocado, topped with fresh basil. And a small side of spaghetti. Pasta & spaghetti sauce topped again with fresh basil. Yum!

Q. Pea

On my journey to live a life of wellness I have been more aware of how my food choices make me feel. Am I energetic or sluggish? I am starting to understand the phrase "food for fuel". Eating is one of life's greatest pleasures , personally I want to ensure that what I choose to eat is just as good for me as it is to me.๐Ÿ’š

Q. Pea

I've started adding smoothies into my diet to ensure I am getting in fruits and vegetables. I make life easy by purchasing pre-packaged frozen fruit. One of my favorites is the green smoothie with kale, avocado, bananas, and pineapples. Some days I toss in oats and other days I don't, place the fruit in a blender with 100% apple juice and enjoy.

Q. Pea


    Let's talk about wellness! In this group I hope to create a ...
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