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We Are Wellness

Public·8 members

Have you taken time today to look at your life and say thank you for how far you've come, or thank you for the lessons learned along the way? I'm taking a different approach to my life. I have made many mistakes but instead of focusing on them I am open to what they've taught me. Why is it easy to beat ourselves up? Let's begin by thanking the good Lord for the wisdom gained from our lives. Living as though we appreciate the gift of life. It's a wellness booster. This is your pick me up for today. You are here for a reason take full advantage of it, be good to yourself from the inside out. And share some of that goodness with others. We are wellness!

Q. Pea

Let's chat about accountability as it's a very important part of our well being. It seems like in our world today people are quick to blame others or circumstances more than accepting responsibility. One of the best things I've ever done for myself is learning to take full acceptance for my life without passing the blame onto others. It's easy to be a victim as it removes yourself from maturing and growing. Once I made this change mentally, it began having a positive impact on my life. The way I viewed myself and choices changed. Ultimately my life is built upon my decisions and the consequences fall solely upon me. This way of thinking forces me to evaluate my life from a different viewpoint. God is with us but He does not force you nor I to make right decisions. That's up to the individual, He does give us guidan…


Over the past week what have you done to maintain your well-being? I will say that I've been on my new path to wellness through rest, relaxation, and yoga. Doing these on purpose to develop a meaningful and healthy routine and lifestyle. From my experience when these things are done as a way of living they begin to take on a new meaning. And become the natural flow of one's life. Take time to lovingly care for yourself ! Make it a lifestyle.

Q. Pea
May 21, 2023

We all need to step back and rest. It allows our body to recharge. I know that I do!!


One of the best things I do for myself is to make sure I am getting fruit(s) into my diet. I like setting myself up for success. For the upcoming week we have apples, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. I also tossed in a few basil leaves. Each time I open the fridge there's my beautiful reminder. Typically I enjoy eating fruit with my breakfast or if I want to grab something sweet to snack on. How do you add fruit to your diet? And what's your favorite fruit? I also enjoy getting fruit in by making smoothies as well.

Q. Pea

Sometimes we need to be still. Just stop and take some time for us. What are your thoughts on this?


I find that being physically active is an important part of my overall well-being. Anytime I fail to move my body I notice a change in the way I feel. For me it gives an extra energy boost and allows me time to mentally unwind. What is your favorite form of exercise? I love yoga. Recently I've added some high intensity training to get my heart working a little more. No, I don't have a trainer nor do I have a gym membership. I've found two people online that I follow. It keeps me accountable to myself and I have very little reason not to get some movement in from the comfort of my home. I can feel the benefits of working my body and for me the goal is to remain active and flexible. Not allowing myself to become stiff or inactive. We are wellness and I hope…

Q. Pea

We have all heard the saying old habits are hard to break, well I will say that when it comes to living a healthy life for me I find that breaking old habits must happen quickly. If I hold on to the old way of doing things I will always have an excuse for not letting go.

Q. Pea


    Let's talk about wellness! In this group I hope to create a ...
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