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We Are Wellness

Public·8 members

For those of you who may not know this post you are reading is specifically written for the group I created titled, we are wellness. It's a space where I share my thoughts on ways we can obtain and maintain a sense of well-being. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us. Today I want to talk about the benefits of having plants or flowers in your space. I love having life in my home, when I see certain plants thrive often it reminds me to keep going. The analogy I've often made is when a plant or a person is given what it needs it will survive and thrive. It's up to me to ensure I am feeding myself mentally and spiritually well to see growth and progress in my life. Just like our plants we must prune our lives of those things and people that hinder us from blooming. I hope you are inspired to care for yourself just a little more and enjoy the beauty that flowers and plants can add to your life. We are wellness!


Let's talk about wellness! In this group I hope to create a ...

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